Thursday, 7 June 2012

Real world interference

Even my blog will suffer from REAL world interference has just been so crazy of late that I have not been able to post.

HOWEVER, I am VERY proud to say that despite all these pressures, I have managed to stick to my eating & exercise goals LIKE GLUE!!! :-D - so happy about that.

There was a period that I battled with all the changes in my life, to focus on the discipline eating that I generally do, and I started neglecting my workouts as well. That led to a little bit of weight gain, but at least I managed to put the brakes on the sliding process, and got myself back in line again.

I am extremely sensitive to carbs, so I try and follow a Paleo adaptation diet/eating plan - sort of a cross between the Fighter Diet of Pauline Nordin (still in my view one of the best and most effective eating plans EVER), and a bit of a carb cycle process (aka competition prep diet). Within a week of going back on it, I immediately feel a surge in my energy levels, I am FOCUSED, and able to exercise with new strength and endurance. That in turn helps me cope better with stress, sleep better and then the weight is back under control almost immediately.

Now there is a goal, a show in South Africa in September - the Mr & Ms Body Beautiful. It was the first one I ever did and remains one of my favourites. It helps to focus on a goal like that, as it puts the mind into razorsharp focus.