Wednesday 5 December 2012

Injury can seriously derail you

I did something funny with my neck on Friday night - slept in a strange position, and then had some cold air on my neck and on top of that I also managed to pull it even further on Saturday morning. It ended up being a very very painful weekend, I took Monday off, Tuesday was fairly slow, and now finally on Wednesday I am able to exercise, but only moderately.

Yes, that is what fitness in the real world is like. So what did I do? I just took it cool with my eating and did not go overboard, so the weight did not creep up by much.

But I tell you, it was FRUSTRATING to miss my daily fix of endorphins. So tonight I am going crazy in the spin class...can't wait!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Real world interference

Even my blog will suffer from REAL world interference has just been so crazy of late that I have not been able to post.

HOWEVER, I am VERY proud to say that despite all these pressures, I have managed to stick to my eating & exercise goals LIKE GLUE!!! :-D - so happy about that.

There was a period that I battled with all the changes in my life, to focus on the discipline eating that I generally do, and I started neglecting my workouts as well. That led to a little bit of weight gain, but at least I managed to put the brakes on the sliding process, and got myself back in line again.

I am extremely sensitive to carbs, so I try and follow a Paleo adaptation diet/eating plan - sort of a cross between the Fighter Diet of Pauline Nordin (still in my view one of the best and most effective eating plans EVER), and a bit of a carb cycle process (aka competition prep diet). Within a week of going back on it, I immediately feel a surge in my energy levels, I am FOCUSED, and able to exercise with new strength and endurance. That in turn helps me cope better with stress, sleep better and then the weight is back under control almost immediately.

Now there is a goal, a show in South Africa in September - the Mr & Ms Body Beautiful. It was the first one I ever did and remains one of my favourites. It helps to focus on a goal like that, as it puts the mind into razorsharp focus.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Take it outdoors

Taking your workout outdoors has such great benefits in terms of the fun factor, new ways to move the whole body, and just benefitting from the fresh air and the change in scenery.

Ever since I started training clients I have always done many workouts outside, but it is only recently that I have become more efficient at managing my environment, the potential surfaces and training areas available, and the mobile tools to my clients' advantage.

And they love it, it keeps the boredom of a daily gym session at bay, it can of course be part of a variety of sessions that would obviously include training in a facility, and I find that they don't feel the workout quite as much as they do when they are indoors.

However, here in Namibia, we don't really have areas dedicated only to exercising. Sure, we have beautiful and open beaches where beach bootcamp style workouts and sprints, as well as ocean swimming are all options, we have stadiums and sports fields for track-style workouts, and we have golf courses, etc, etc, but what is still missing is the outdoor-style gyms one see in countries like the USA.

I would love to be able to take my clients to park, do a bootcamp with them, some cardio included, and then have access to permanent exercise equipment that is available in the outdoor areas. In Milwaukee next to Lake Michigan, I found the exercise equipment in the photo on this blog. In Chicago, I saw the same type of equipment along the waterfront. In LA, the beaches have equipment for more gymnastic-style workouts, outdoor yoga areas, and of course, the most famous Muscle Beach outdoor gym.

Would be great to have the same here. I may never need to go indoors again, unless the weather prevents an outdoor session.

Outdoor exercise equipment in Milwaukee

Tuesday 1 May 2012

No gym, no problem (part 2)

Today is a public holiday in Namibia as it is in many other countries in the world. So I had the opportunity to relax at home and did not go in to train clients or to visit my gym, which is about 70 kilometres away from where I live in the next town.

But that was no problem. I woke up at leisure, making sure I was able to catch up on some much needed rest, then had a quick cup of coffee, and then a short upper body and core workout. It took about 30 minutes, and included the following exercises, done in a quick succession circuit style workout, with short cardio bursts inbetween. All of it was done in my bedroom on the floor, using equipment I have at home.

Warm up: Jumping on my mini-trampoline for about 5 minutes, while warming up the upper body and core with arm swings, shoulder rolls, side bends, etc, etc.

Back and chest: Using my cables tied to the door I did rows, chest presses, lat pulldowns, straight arm pulldowns, etc etc.

Inbetween cardio: Between each giant set I did 2 minutes of jumping on my mini trampoline.

Isolated movements for biceps, triceps and shoulders: Using dumbbells I did a circuit of shoulder presses, shoulder front and side raises, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, hammer curls, tricep overhead extensions, etc etc.

Core portion: Using my swiss ball I did some swiss ball crunches, and I did some V-ups on the mini-trampoline.

I ended the workout with another short cardio burst on the mini-trampoline, followed by stretching and a bit of foam rolling of my legs, which are still sore from the week's earlier sessions.

And voila, it was done and I felt great for the rest of the day. No more than 30 minutes done and dusted, and although the intensity was less than normal, my gains are not lost and I am able to tap into the fat burning from increased activity early in the morning, even on an off day.
My AT HOME gym - mini trampoline, swiss ball, kettlebell, dumbbells, cables, and foam roller.

Planning meals in the real world

Inside Fitness magazine (the SA edition) gives some handy and useful tips for planning your meals, to ensure that you remain on track with your healthy eating plan.

Rule #1: Plan your week ahead, and then plan your menu accordingly;

Rule #2: Now that your meal plan is worked out, go and shop for what you need;

Rule #3: Cook your meals in advance and freeze them.

And voila, no excuse to give in to your fast food cravings come Tuesday lunchtime.

Personally, I add another rule,

Rule #4: Invest in a good quality coolbag to take with you on the road or to work to store the frozen/cooled food and the cutlery & crockery needed to eat it anywhere.


Your workout's best friend

Reuters reports that dog owners report that if it weren't for their dog, they wouldn't be going out for a walk quite as often during the week. They report that dog walking accounts for two thirds of the walks they take each week.

Walking is great exercise for fitness, weight loss & stress relief - so grab the leash and take Fluffy for a walk. It's great for both of you.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Healthy birthday cake

I had a brainwave today, all of a sudden and out of the blue, to make a healthy and high protein cheesecake for my birthday tomorrow. So I went online and found a few paleo style recipes, and went shopping for the ingredients.

It is hard when you can't find listed ingredients in your local shop, and often it means substitution and in my particular case today, I had to substitute most of the ingredients,

Well, I baked it. It does not taste much like a cheesecake, and my kids think it is not even cake, but I am convinced that it will go down well with some coffee.

Aaaahhh well, welcome to my real world....

(Photo - some of the ingredients)