The best thing you can do for your kids is to involve them in your health journey. Not only will they learn from your example and way of life, but they will be healthier and happier kids too.
The most precious resource you can give a child is your time. Involving your kids in planning the family eating plan, shopping for healthy foods, making dishes, and spending time exercising gives them your attention and your time as a parent, allowing opportunities for connecting better.
Some easy ways to engage your kids:
* plan family meals together and make sure the meals are enjoyed together, around a table, and preferably without electronic interruptions like television and cellphones,
*attend your kids' sport events,
*in return, invite them to yours, and make them part of it,
*make time to do outdoor activities as a family - walking the dogs, playing in the park, ice-skating, etc,
*share information with your kids, on the reasons for your decisions pertaining to health and fitness.
It is important that you ensure that your approach is age-appropriate and safe for your kids and their friends. Never force a child to do something, it will put them off for life. Instead, make it fun for them.
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