Wednesday, 18 April 2012

No gym, no problem...a beach will do just fine

My local beach prepared for some beach games - cones for running/sprinting, elastics for partner resistance drills, and medicine ball for upper body work, and of course, the best natural tools, beach sand for sprinting and the ocean for swimming.
So many people claim that they are intimidated by gyms filled with strangers, germs and equipment they have no clue how to use. Or they don't have the extra money for gym membership.

Let me tackle those excuses immediately before proceeding with this post. First of all the people concern; most of the people in the gym are not staring at you, they are too busy concentrating on their own exercise, body issues and shyness to even notice you or your issues. Germs, yes well that you may find in a gym, as you would in your own kitchen or bathroom, the dirty washing, your animals, heck even on your own hands, so not really valid anyway. On top of that most gyms have disinfectant and wipes for you to clean the equipment before and after you use it, plus all gyms where I have ever trained have a cleaning regime that will rival that of many hospitals. In terms of the equipment, all you need to do is ask someone to show you what it's for and how to use it. Simple. Cost, yes that is a valid concern, but only if you also don't have enough money for eating out, a few drinks every weekend, new clothes, or magazines.

Of course, despite the fact that there really are no excuses that prevent you from making it to the gym, many people still need to learn that exercise can be done anywhere, anytime, with as little as just your own bodyweight. The trick is twofold - number one, you must WANT to exercise, and secondly, you need to know what you can do right there and then without having to consult a fitness journal or other resource.

So my recommendations for people who are beginners and really don't want to go to a place for exercise like a gym, crossfit facility, or bootcamp venue, are;

*do a bit of research on exercises you can do anywhere using only your own bodyweight for resistance.

I normally carry little pieces of notepaper in my handbag with little mini-workouts that I can do anywhere and fit in any time period by splitting or combining it. For instance, I have a Holiday Killer Leg Routine that is about 30 minutes of walking lunges, jump squats, calf raises, squats, etc etc that gets me shaking every time. I have a Booty Blaster that is about 4 exercises in a little ten-minute mini-circuit, I do core whenever I can, and I have beach, hill or track-style cardio workouts ready. I did hours of research and testing to get my systems because I really felt it was critical to keep exercising whenever I don't have access to a gym.

*purchase a few basic items for your home so that you can exercise in case of bad weather or other problems preventing you from going out.

Essentials I have lying around all over my house include a swiss ball (think crunches, ab rollouts, or glute bridges), dumbbells, medicine balls and kettlebells (to add some resistance for arm, shoulder and back work), and resistance cables (the most versatile tools ever). I also have a punching bag and some boxing gloves for a killer upper body session, as well as a mini-trampoline and stationary bike for the rest.

*stock up on magazines to keep motivation levels high at all times.

If I am sick or injured or otherwise unable to exercise, I read about it. I reread my old copies of Oxygen magazine, Muscle & Fitness Hers, Fitness Magazine or I read some online articles. Normally it helps me with motivation and also to get new ideas.

*purchase some exercise DVD's.

One of my very first DVD's was a full-body high impact aerobics workout featuring a guy in tights, with a moustache and unruly blonde hair, with two perfect ladies on each side of him. As 80's as that was, it was a kick*ss workout that had me sweating all over the lounge.

So there really is no excuse. A lounge, a park, a beach - exercise!!

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